Cirta - Whalefall 3D Environments

House Variations

Cirta Extra Props

Cirta Extra Props

Unity Screenshot

Unity Screenshot

Unity Screenshot

Unity Screenshot

Temple Variations

Unity Screenshot

Unity Screenshot

Cirta - Whalefall 3D Environments

Whalefall was a game being developed by Whitethorn Games, that I was proud to be a part of for almost three years. Unfortunately, the funding fell through, and Whalefall is no longer being created. Whitethorn has generously allowed the artists to share any art they created for the game. Since I worked on a large variety of environments, I've split them across multiple posts.

Cirta was the first environment I worked on for Whalefall. What made it so fun was the variations in the buildings we needed. Basically I got to build all these houses, then I got to destroy them all. Alongside the houses, I also created the temple, various street props, and the streets and stairs.

More artwork